But anyways, personally, I'm not the largest basketball fan but my family is so I know a lil something something about the game.
Lebron's decision to leave Cleavland was a bad idea. I felt pretty bad because all he was concerned about was winning but I'd rather be a great player that's loyal to their community than a player with 50 rings but is known for switching from team to team. I just hope he knows how many people he's letting down. For some reason people idolize his ability to score points =?
But anyways. Cleavland made him the great player he is because he was allowed to shine more than a great player could who would be surrounded by power names like Dwayne Wade.
Not that I'm really heart broken about his situation because truthfully he's not playing for me, and I'm not getting any piece of his paycheck, so it's whatever. I'm just stating my opinion, because THAT'S WHAT I DO. Make ya money, man.
What do you diehard and not so diehard fans think about his decision?
-Somina B.
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